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Anxiety and overwhelming emotions can be exhausting, costly, and painful. I can help.
My Approach to Therapy
Each psychotherapy relationship is based on the needs of the individual and begins with identifying and understanding a person's unique hopes, gifts, and insecurities.
My style is warm and nonjudgmental. I listen deeply. I function as an active consultant and collaborator in your journey.
I provide expert and compassionate care using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) - both of which are evidenced-based treatments shown to relieve suffering and enhance well-being - for people living with a variety of experiences, including:
How Therapy Can Help
Anxiety and overwhelming emotions can disrupt multiple domains of your life.
- You may be distracted by your worries, fears, or thoughts about rejection or achieving perfection.
- You may find it difficult to concentrate and make decisions, or have racing thoughts.
- You may be in constant pursuit of achievement via productivity or excellence.
- You may avoid certain activities or disconnect to dampen uncomfortable feelings by spending time on mindless tasks like media bingeing.
- You may lash out at the important people in your life.
Physical Health
- You may notice feeling on edge, muscle tension, a racing heart, or trouble sleeping.
- You may feel depleted and fatigued.
Anxiety and overwhelming emotions can make it difficult to connect with joy. You may feel unfulfilled and isolated.
Therapy can help you learn strategies that will expand your capacity to cope and your access to restoration so that so that you can be fully engaged in creating and enjoying the life you want.
My Philosophy
I believe that every individual has the potential to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life. I strive to empower clients to embrace practices that can dissolve distress and nurture well-being using a collaborative and strengths-based approach. I am affirming and inclusive, and I am committed to providing a safe space where people of all backgrounds and identities feel celebrated and heard.